Timeline for selling your note
ONYXX Investment Group buys loans secured by real estate regardless of title position, from individuals and institutions. Regardless of the equity in the property, the borrower’s credit score, or the geographic location of the property, we may be able to purchase your loan.
​We are a direct note buyer, with no brokers or middlemen. This means we can offer a seamless experience, and the best price for your loan.
In an Average of 30 days

When you sell your note to us, we have a simple and streamlined process. While every transaction may have unique variables, the usual target timeline is 30 days. Here’s what you can expect:
Day 1 – Discussion and Preliminary offer:
A detailed discussion will occur revolving around the specifics of your real estate note. We will review the details and begin working behind the scenes to get you the best possible offer.
Day 2-8 – Due Diligence and appraisal completion:
We complete all of the due diligence that is necessary, including the ordering of an appraisal and title work, all at no expense to you the client! There are many steps to this piece and it involves working with other trusted resources, so it can potentially take up to 14 days to ensure completeness and a smooth transition to closure.
Day 9 - Final offer is made and accepted
ONYXX will at this point communicate a concrete offer in writing.
Day 10-11 - Verification of terms and signing of the paperwork.
Upon acceptance of the offer, ONYXX will forge forward with the process. We are available to answer any further questions you have about selling your note and what the terms of our offer entail. If you decide to accept the cash offer, we will begin processing the documentation.
Day 12 to Close – Processing complete and closing scheduled
Our team will process your file when all documents are received and we will work to get your closing scheduled with a title company in your area.
At Closing – Receive Funds
On the day of the scheduled closing, you will receive a wire or ACH for the lump sum of cash that you agreed to.